World War Z is an apocalyptic adventure movie that features Gerry (Brad Pitt), a United Nations investigator racing against time, and around the world, attempting to save human life from a zombie epidemic. Lane really racks up those air miles.
With a mix of strong acting, a strong visual appeal and an interesting story instead of just CGI and effects, World War Z is a treat to watch. Hardly a groundbreaking film, it is a new take on that old story of the overachieving everyday guy facing horror and desperation, doing whatever he can to survive. It is a well made action picture hinging on Pitt’s solid, charismatic performance.
A joy for the zombie fan, whether you are a lover of the runners from 28 Days Later or the slow walkers of George Romero or The Walking Dead. Unlike TWD though, this movie managed to be frightening while showing little gore. It is a smart and well crafted and a thrilling film.
World War Z is a based on the novel by Max Brooks. While adapted from the novel, the film is only loosely based on the series of interviews of which the book is made up. Brooks, son of Mel, also wrote the Zombie Survival Guide and was a staff writer on Saturday Night Live.
The only issue I have with the movie was the reliance on email by the various government and military bodies. If the zombie scare was so urgent, why didn't anyone just pick up the phone?! Cell phone out of range? No quarters for the payphone? We still have land-lines, and from the plot, satellite telephones are readily available.
This film is intense. You feel the panic and tension, especially as the film first unfolds. The director, Marc Forster, nurtures the tension for almost the entire run of the film.
World War Z was originally intended as a trilogy. Those plans were quashed when rewrites and reshooting were required. The film was set to open in December 2012 but was pushed back six months. There is talk now of at least one more sequel. What with the great opening weekend results ($66 million), WWZ's start makes it the most successful debut for an action film since Avatar. What would the sequel be called anyway? World War Y? Armistice Day of the Dead?
And it is probably one of the best big budget films year to date. I will leave you with one last suggestion before I end my review of World War Z. When flying, always sit in first class.
World War Z |