I believe that my number one accomplishment today was that I did not hit anyone. After spending over $600.00 fixing my car last month, it was back to the garage today to figure out why the car would not start. Heard of intermittent wipers? Well I had an intermittent starter. I thought it was my clutch switch but I couldn't be sure. The battery checked out fine, and I never had a problem with the starter. Once I arrived at the garage today, I attempted to blame the garage for not doing the repairs properly last month. But seeing as how the clerk knew more about car repairs than I, there was no convincing him.
Since my day off from work was going to revolve around the garage, I figured I would take the car some place with plenty of stores and restaurants within walking distance to while the time away.
First it was off the the bank. Banks were closed today but the ATM was functioning. Sort of. I tried taking out $150 but the machine did not have enough cash. I tried $50. The ATM gathered up its lose change and spit it out at me through the little slot. Not a good sign for the bank to run out of money. Especially since Tuesday is also a bank holiday and the cash box will not be filled until Wednesday morning. Not my problem though, I got mine.
Next it was off to Tim Horton's for my coffee and breakfast. I planned on reading the morning paper but was distracted for the first few minutes by the resident crazy guy who was talking to himself. After five minutes I realized he was talking on his Bluetooth. After another five minutes I realized, that Bluetooth or not, he was still crazy. After another five minutes, I noticed that although he was talking on his Bluetooth there may not have been anyone on the other end.
Once I finished reading the paper I went on to Future Shop where I was labelled a shoplifter as soon as I walked in. Instead of asking if I needed assistance one clerk gave me dirty looks and followed me around the store. I am sure he thought he was being discrete. Maybe I should dress nicer when I take my car into the garage for service. Maybe the guy at the store should be polite, he would probably make more sales. I walked out without buying anything.
I walked up to the Tommy Hilfiger store. For a store that is under 200 square feet, I was surprised that there were over 25 people in line. I would venture a guess that there were a lot of gift cards exchanged over Christmas. Since when does the Tommy line of clothing consist of nothing but stripes and plaids? I just want a button shirt with a collar, no stripes, no plaid, just a solid colour. No buttons on the collar. No stripes, I do not want to look like a popcorn salesman. Listen, style is a personal thing, to each his own. I have not worn plaid since my '90s grunge days and I haven't worn stripes since my mom stopped shopping for me.
Next was Bureau en Gros (Staples outside Quebec). I have never seen such a mixed message from any one store. Ten people behind the print-shop counter to answer your needs before you even know you have them. Every single cash register was staffed. Pay quick and get out. Yet there was only one clerk for the entire floor. But, good news, I finally found the computer desk for which I have been looking. I will have to come back later to pick it up in my car. $100 off. Not bad. I have been using the same desk for 25 years and it is time for a change. The vinyl covered pressed wood is starting to show its age. Time for a new vinyl covered pressed wood desk.
Lunch time. Ahh... McDonald's. When did a trio at McD's start costing $7.50? I went as healthy as I could. Or as healthy as I wanted. I bought a Big Mac Trio, and had a salad instead of french fries and ordered a diet coke to go along. I try to replace fries wherever I go. At Burger King you have the option of a baked potato, at some places it's rice.
Gone are the days where I would eat half a pound to a pound of red meat in one sitting. Even when I was boxing and trying to eat properly, I may not have been eating all that healthy. Today, it is all about cutting out fried foods, reducing red meat intake, eating as many servings of vegetables and fruit that you can handle, eating fish a few times a week, limiting servings of dairy and making sure it is low fat. I also switched to Cheerios in the morning.
But where was I? Right, after lunch it was a walk across the parking lot to Reno Depot (also known as Rona, or replace this with your local mega hardware store). Reno Depot is the type of place I can walk in, not needing anything, and walk out with $40 to $50 in purchases. Today was no different. I found a nice mass-produced painting for $9.99 that will go well with the paint on my walls, and the other massed-produced paintings I own. I am also building a bar. I started it in July. I also stopped in July. Today I bought more parts that I will need to complete the bar. Luckily, the fact that my bar has not yet been completed has not hindered my ability to drink.
Next was a walk back to the garage. They were supposed to call me on my cell to let me know what was happening. When I arrived the friendly clerk said, "What good timing, I was just about to call you."
Get this, they didn't start working on my car because the engine wouldn't start. I reminded him that I brought the car in because the engine would not start. He wanted to charge me an extra $40 to get three guys to push the car inside. After staring at him dumbfounded for twenty-three minutes, I suggested that I start the car and drive it inside. I managed to start it on the second try, drove the car inside, put it on the lift and asked the clerk if he would like me to fix it as well. Any paper work you would like me to do while I am here? Perhaps I can tidy up while I am at it. Wash the toilets for you?
Now I needed to kill two more hours. Luckily my friend Stinky Al was in the neighborhood. He needed winter boots so I got to watch while he tried on winter boots. Guys don't enjoy watching other people shop for boots. Or anything. We then headed off to Costco where I watched him buy more stuff. I really didn't need anything at Costco since I was there a week ago. I could have purchased another case of pasta, a vat of cream cheese, a bathtub of mayonnaise or an acre of tuna, but I figured I had enough in my larder.
Finally, with another 20 minutes to kill, we stopped to eat and then back to the garage. Apparently, the clerk was "just about to call" me when I arrived, to tell me the car was ready. $28.17 to fix the car. Not bad. $24.05 went towards labour, the rest was tax. I was told they just needed to adjust the clutch switch. Really?
After paying I attempted to start the car and the car wouldn't start. The clutch is working, it's just that the engine won't turn. New problem. I have never had a problem with the engine. After a bunch of excuses, engine is flooded, air in the valve... I finally get out, start the car, drive, get home, and remember I never picked up my desk.
I guess I will get it tomorrow on the way home from work. If my car starts.
Humorous rants, Music, Movies, Books, Food, Sports, Radio, Facts, Non-facts, Humour, Obscure Thoughts. Bathrooms. Loosely based on a true story. 你好 hallo Γεια σου Privet здравей
Pegg & Frost Duo Make a Trio of Films
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
The boys from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are set to release their third collaborative film. Paul directed by Greg Mottola, stars Pegg and Frost as two sci-fi geeks who meet up with an alien while driving across the U.S.A. Seth Rogen stars as the voice of the alien, Paul.

Paul is scheduled for a February 2011 release in the U.K. and a March release in North America. It has been rated R for language and some drug use. Paul has a strong supporting cast including Jane Lynch, Sigourney Weaver, Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Tambor and Gilbert Gottfried.
Paul is scheduled for a February 2011 release in the U.K. and a March release in North America. It has been rated R for language and some drug use. Paul has a strong supporting cast including Jane Lynch, Sigourney Weaver, Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Tambor and Gilbert Gottfried.
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Paul Movie Poster |
Things to do On Christmas Day When You Don't Celebrate Christmas
Posted by
Shawn Ohara

There are many people out there who do not celebrate Christmas. Many people do not consider that Christmas is not an American or Canadian holiday but a religious holiday. What do you do on Christmas Day when you do not partake in the festivities? My first thought? Nothing. Even the places that are usually open 24 hours are closed. But there in fact plenty of things to do on Christmas Day. Here lies a list of things to do on Christmas when you do not celebrate Christmas.
2) Volunteer. (I only thought of this one after I completed my list, and had to renumber everything. I needed one serious item. This is important. There are many community service organizations, outreach groups, soup kitchens and hospitals that need volunteers every day.)
3) Visit friends who celebrate Christmas.
4) Visit friends who do not celebrate Christmas.
5) Visit friends who celebrate Christmas because they probably have better food and are likely stocked up with alcohol and may have an extra gift for you.
6) Sulk.
7) Go to Chinatown. The restaurants are open today.
8) Go to a halal restaurant.
9) Why are kosher restaurants closed on Christmas? (I am not referring to this year. It is Saturday today after all)
10) Sulk some more.
11) There is at least one restaurant in Montreal that stays open 24 hours a day and never closes, Christmas, New Year's or otherwise. So, if you can stomach Chenoy's, your typical Canadian style eatery/ deli, you've got it made. But I warn you, never, ever order a milkshake at Chenoy's. Trust me on this one.
12) Go see a movie. The theaters open in the evening.
13) Leave the country. This isn't a last minute type of idea. You should have thought of this in advance.
14) Leave the country and do the 11 other things that proceed it on the list. Or sit on a beach, etc.
15) Go skiing or tobogganing.
In my previous life working for the radio station, I would volunteer to work on Christmas Day. First of all, I would get paid time-and-a-half. Second, I had no where else to go. Third, my boss would really appreciate my seemingly altruistic behavior, as, I usually threw in that my colleagues would probably want to spend time with their families whereas I did not need to, etc. Fourth, I knew that just for working on the 25th, they would automatically give New Year's Day off. Imagine starting your shift at midnight on New Year's Day. Or at 6AM. So I always had New Year's Day off.
A friend of mine would throw a party every year on Christmas Eve. He called it the Orphan and Jews Party. As he had moved to Montreal to attend university and never left, he had no family within a six hour radius. He recognized that many of his friends under similar circumstances did not have anyone with whom to celebrate. Throw in a few Jewish friends who were stuck reading lists of things to do on Christmas and you have a party. It was usually a potluck dinner with a couple cases of beer. Hmm... I didn't get an invite this year.
So, as today is just like any other Saturday for me, I'm going to drink coffee, read the newspaper, watch True Grit (the original) on TV, go to my parents for lunch, and meet up with some friends tonight just as the world starts turning back to normal.
Or go to a Matzo Ball Party |
Tron : Legacy Review
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Tron Legacy |
28 years ago the idea of launching ourselves into a mainframe was as far fetched and imaginative as visiting Middle-Earth to battle orcs. With the incredible advancement of technology both in our computers and digital film, the what-else-have-you-got attitude is almost expected. The idea of entering our processors is imaginable, and ends up being the trap in which Tron: Legacy gets caught. If The Matrix (the first movie only) never existed, perhaps the cynics could be satisfied. Any sequel must compete with itself. When an original film is put on such a pedestal, and maintains a cult following for 28 years, can it's sequel succeed?
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Tron |

Truth sometimes passes from reel to real, why build on the greatness of the original? Cynics and the jaded aside, Tron: Legacy tells a compelling action story, with stunning special effects, and beautiful actors. while predictable in the general sense Tron: Legacy's success is that it stands apart of so many action films today, with multiple climactic scenes and thrilling action.
Heineken : Walk-in Fridge Campaign
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
I love the new Heineken commercial. Well, it is new in Canada, from the number of viewers on Youtube and the date of it's release it is not so new after all. The commercial, referred to as the Heineken walk-in fridge ad has spawned a couple sequels. I laugh every time I see it.
And here is one of the terrific sequels
Here is a terrific spoof of the Heineken walk in fridge, I wish it were real.
Here is Bavaria's campaign, also a spoof
After the original video went viral Heineken added a new twist by leaving these supposed walk-in fridge boxes on the streets of Amsterdam on garbage day, perhaps adding to the hype, perhaps fooling people into believing that the fridges were a hot new sales item.
And here is one of the terrific sequels
Here is a terrific spoof of the Heineken walk in fridge, I wish it were real.
Here is Bavaria's campaign, also a spoof
After the original video went viral Heineken added a new twist by leaving these supposed walk-in fridge boxes on the streets of Amsterdam on garbage day, perhaps adding to the hype, perhaps fooling people into believing that the fridges were a hot new sales item.
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Heineken walk-in fridge |
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Heineken walk-in fridge |
Dinner Time Dilemma, Peanut Butter and Pliers
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
If you are allergic to peanut butter you cannot borrow my pliers. It was supper time again. Funny how that keeps coming up. Everyday too. I had a healthy lunch of rainbow trout with a side of salad so I wasn't interested in eating anything too healthy tonight. What am I to make for supper? I have to plan ahead. My lunch for Thursday is already packed, chicken with couscous and a side of vegetables. I needed something that would not take too much time to prepare since the hockey game was about to start. I couldn't go too unhealthy because the day before for lunch I caught up with Mike at the fish and chips restaurant for the greasiest deep fried fish. Tons of grease. The fries were dripping. I think they accidentally deep fried the basket they were in.
Finally I got it! Peanut butter and jelly. Well, peanut butter and jam. Peanut butter and apricot jam on freshly made, sliced chunks of whole grain bread. Or peanut butter and apricot jam on freshly purchased slices of toasted chunks of whole grain bread.
I lost myself somewhere in the last paragraph.
My mouth was watering while I was making the sandwich. I dug out a dollop of peanut butter, piled it on the bread. I grabbed a handful of jam and spread on in an inch thick layer. I couldn't wait to start eating! In anticipation of heading to the dining room to sit down with my sandwich, I threw the knife into the sink. The knife landed with a clunk, but then there was a bounce, and then the rattle, and down the drain it went.
Not again.
At least this time I caught it before I turned on the garbarator. I started to reach my hand in and stopped suddenly. Wait a second, these garbarators are sharp, they garbarate things. I better get some tools. I run into the garage, spreading peanut butter and apricot jam on the wall and light switch. I popped open my tool box and grabbed the pliers. Quick enough I extracted the knife from the drain, carefully placed the knife and pliers on the counter and proceeded on to my original target, my sandwich. The sandwich was great. My pliers were covered in peanut butter, so if you are allergic, you can't borrow my pliers.
Finally I got it! Peanut butter and jelly. Well, peanut butter and jam. Peanut butter and apricot jam on freshly made, sliced chunks of whole grain bread. Or peanut butter and apricot jam on freshly purchased slices of toasted chunks of whole grain bread.
I lost myself somewhere in the last paragraph.

Not again.
At least this time I caught it before I turned on the garbarator. I started to reach my hand in and stopped suddenly. Wait a second, these garbarators are sharp, they garbarate things. I better get some tools. I run into the garage, spreading peanut butter and apricot jam on the wall and light switch. I popped open my tool box and grabbed the pliers. Quick enough I extracted the knife from the drain, carefully placed the knife and pliers on the counter and proceeded on to my original target, my sandwich. The sandwich was great. My pliers were covered in peanut butter, so if you are allergic, you can't borrow my pliers.
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Wilkin & Sons, Best jam ever. |
An Alphabet from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: A is for Ackbar
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
I suppose the subtitle could be Episode IV : A New Alphabet. Brandon Peat came up with the most amazing sketches and designs to decorate his child's bedroom. Running through the entire alphabet, he created a set of kid-friendly of Star Wars character prints. Here are a couple examples of this great art work. Look for the link to his store below.
Check out the store.
Check out the store.
Thor - Holy Crap! Another Film from the Marvel Stable
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Coming to a theater near you in March 2011, from Marvel Comics comes Thor, the tale of the warrior god cast out from Asgard to serve time on Earth. It stars Nathalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Hemsworth, you will be interested to know, stars in the (hopefully) soon to be released Red Dawn remake.
Hardest Hockey Slapshot. Ever.
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
A hockey goaltender stands on his head blocking every shot coming his way. And then comes the hardest slapshot ever. Let's see Zdeno Chara try this.
Office Girls Gone Wild
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Another office Holiday party is in the books. That makes it two down and two to go. First there was the department managers' party, then last night was the company party, next is the department party and then there is the company wide managers' party. That is a lot of food and alcohol and a lot of money that could be better spent elsewhere. Three of the four parties are paid for by the company. I am hoping they will be as generous with the end of year pay raises.
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no, not me |
The plan last night was to show my face, have a drink, say hi to everyone and head on my way. I figured two hours would be sufficient. I really was not expecting much in the way of fun, I also have a personal rule against partying with coworkers. I have witnessed it time and time again, the abuse of boundaries at work parties. I have always been of the belief that a certain restraint must be shown amongst coworkers and the people you have to face on the Monday morning after. We work so hard at building up our careers why throw out this hard earned image in one night?
Friends are friends and colleagues are colleagues. That being said, the two hours somehow rolled into six hours. I type this slightly slow and slightly tired today. Sunday is a good day to do nothing. I did not abuse the boundaries, just my liver.

*** I think this is worth an update. It's Monday and the emails and stories are spreading throughout the office. Remember the days we would pose for pictures because we only had 24 exposures in the roll? Digital camera allow us to snap hundreds of shots without worry of waste. I recall seeing at least three digital cameras at the party and others snapping pics on their phones. You're on candid camera. I received no less than 180 photos in my email this morning. Some are the usual posing for photos, some are of people dancing or hugging, others are of the 'what's he going to tell his wife' or 'is that so-and-so lying on the floor' variety.
So far I've only seen two pictures where I am the victim subject and in both I am posing with some colleagues in some sort of huddle. I think I am off the hook.
Up Up and Away! Dave Van Horne
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
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Dave Van Horne |
Van Horne originally from Easton, Pennsylvania, spent 32 years calling the game for the Montreal Expos, and the last ten in the Florida Marlins' booth. Known for his smooth, and easy going style, Van Hone is a unique voice in major league baseball.
Not only have the plays on the field made the highlight reels, Van Horne's calls have made radio listeners and TV viewers jump out of their seats with his "up, up and away..." call for every home run. His coverage of the Dennis Martinez' 1991 perfect game is still heard today, "El Presidente... el perfecto!"
I had the pleasure of working with Van Horne in the late nineties while I was producing the Expos games for the local radio broadcast. At the time he was paired with the great former player and a terrific announcer himself, Ken Singleton. Van Horne was always professional and expected perfection from the staff. He may not be terribly concerned if the pre-game show was scrapped due to technical glitches or errors, but the first pitch had to get to air. I remember a colleague of mine being lectured by Van Horne on the importance of the broadcast and being alert and aware of his cues.
For years, he was the only English voice of baseball in Canada, from the inception of the Expos until the Toronto Blue Jays came along. Even after, and until he left Montreal to join the Marlins in 2001, his was the only voice many Canadians had ever hear call a game of baseball. Congratulations Dave, here's to 42 more years!

Snow Begone!
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
It's December 6th and I have had enough of winter. Today was the first major snowfall and I have had enough of winter. One hour and forty five minutes of sitting in traffic and I am fed up with winter. The snow started falling early this afternoon. The wind kicked up soon after. I had a meeting across the street from my office. The wind was pushing the snow so that it was coming down sideways, and fast. It hurt to cross the street. Hell, I've been living here in Montreal all my life and I still can't get used to it. Or don't want to. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
I left work a little later with the plan of avoiding the afternoon rush. It kind of worked. I think a lot of people went home early in attempt to beat the mess. A ride that usually takes no more than forty minutes took me and hour and forty five minutes. And I had to urinate. Well, I didn't have to. I wanted to.
The roads were snow covered, the wind was blowing and my speed topped out at all of twenty kilometers per hour. Most of the ride home was about focusing on the car lights in front of me, playing follow the leader. The snow had yet to be cleared and there was no way to know where the lanes started and ended.
Time to listen to the radio. Christmas music on 92.5, flip. Delilah introducing Christmas music on 92.9, change quickly. Crappy pop tune on 95.9. Flip. Nickleback on 97.7, change. Okay, settle in on 99.9 The Buzz, until the commercials come on. Flip. Damn missed the news. Flip. The Team 990, crap it's soccer night. Change. So there wasn't much on.
Made a couple phone calls. What's there to talk about? It's snowing and I have to pee . Sorry, I don't have to pee. I want to pee. Then, I finally arrive home, pull into the driveway and my garage door opener doesn't work. I back up, pull into the driveway and park in the one spot with two surrounding walls. Either the semi enclosure will protect my car from snow accumulation, or my car will be buried beneath a six foot snow drift. Something to look forward to tomorrow. The repairman is on his way, we have a service contract for the garage door opener so he has to come and he can't charge a premium for driving in this weather.
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas. I am dreaming of a warm Chanukkah in Miami.
I left work a little later with the plan of avoiding the afternoon rush. It kind of worked. I think a lot of people went home early in attempt to beat the mess. A ride that usually takes no more than forty minutes took me and hour and forty five minutes. And I had to urinate. Well, I didn't have to. I wanted to.
The roads were snow covered, the wind was blowing and my speed topped out at all of twenty kilometers per hour. Most of the ride home was about focusing on the car lights in front of me, playing follow the leader. The snow had yet to be cleared and there was no way to know where the lanes started and ended.
Time to listen to the radio. Christmas music on 92.5, flip. Delilah introducing Christmas music on 92.9, change quickly. Crappy pop tune on 95.9. Flip. Nickleback on 97.7, change. Okay, settle in on 99.9 The Buzz, until the commercials come on. Flip. Damn missed the news. Flip. The Team 990, crap it's soccer night. Change. So there wasn't much on.
Made a couple phone calls. What's there to talk about? It's snowing and I have to pee . Sorry, I don't have to pee. I want to pee. Then, I finally arrive home, pull into the driveway and my garage door opener doesn't work. I back up, pull into the driveway and park in the one spot with two surrounding walls. Either the semi enclosure will protect my car from snow accumulation, or my car will be buried beneath a six foot snow drift. Something to look forward to tomorrow. The repairman is on his way, we have a service contract for the garage door opener so he has to come and he can't charge a premium for driving in this weather.
I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas. I am dreaming of a warm Chanukkah in Miami.
View from my balcony. That's my car, on the left next to the wall. No, the blue one with the snow on it. |
Come on let's go Garbage Truckin'
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
We're garbage truckin' round the stars Come on let's go Garbage Truckin'. I was driving to work the other and I noticed a garbage truck pulled over on the side of the road. The driver had set up emergency flares and there was another garbage truck parked just in front. I can assume that one truck broke down but why the second truck? Did the driver call the other for backup? What were they doing now? Were they transferring the load?
What do you do with a broken down garbage truck? It is a garbage truck. I couldn't stay to watch but I am wondering if the garbage men just heaved the broken truck into the back of the second vehicle with all the other garbage.
That is why I am thinking they just get thrown out.
A taxi driver or bus driver will call for backup if their vehicle breaks down. The passengers will quickly be off and on their way. A tow truck would be called to take the bus away.
I do not recall ever seeing a garbage truck being hauled away by a tow truck.
What do you do with a broken down garbage truck? It is a garbage truck. I couldn't stay to watch but I am wondering if the garbage men just heaved the broken truck into the back of the second vehicle with all the other garbage.
That is why I am thinking they just get thrown out.
Red Dawn
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
This is getting painful. While everyone was holding their breath for the release of Harry Potter, while millions await the release of the next Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader , while hundreds thousands of people look forward to Tron: Legacy, I may be the only person in the world sweating it out for the Red Dawn remake.
Originally scheduled for a September 2010 theatrical release, the film had been pushed back to November, and now until sometime in 2011. Red Dawn is a remake of the 1984 film of the same name, where a group of high school athletes take to defending their town from invading armies. The movie, filmed in Michigan, has been caught in the bankruptcy troubles of MGM.
The 1984 film plot played off Cold War fears as Soviet and Cuban troops invade U.S. soil, with the "Wolverines" attempting to fend off the invaders. The 2011 update takes the West's fear of China's rise as its driving force.
The original cast was a who's who of Hollywood, before they were stars. boasting the likes of Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Jennifer Grey and Charlie Sheen. The sequel? A couple familiar faces, will this film launch their careers?
In the mean time, Tron's North American release is set for December 17th.
Originally scheduled for a September 2010 theatrical release, the film had been pushed back to November, and now until sometime in 2011. Red Dawn is a remake of the 1984 film of the same name, where a group of high school athletes take to defending their town from invading armies. The movie, filmed in Michigan, has been caught in the bankruptcy troubles of MGM.
The 1984 film plot played off Cold War fears as Soviet and Cuban troops invade U.S. soil, with the "Wolverines" attempting to fend off the invaders. The 2011 update takes the West's fear of China's rise as its driving force.
The original cast was a who's who of Hollywood, before they were stars. boasting the likes of Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Jennifer Grey and Charlie Sheen. The sequel? A couple familiar faces, will this film launch their careers?
In the mean time, Tron's North American release is set for December 17th.
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Red Dawn Cast |
Letters to Santa - Speedy Delivery Service
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming! It's time to write your letter to Santa. With just a short time until the winter wonderland is upon us I have contacted the North Pole and set up a direct link to Santa's elves. Simply fill out the comment section and your Christmas wish list will be forwarded to Santa Claus. I guarantee swift and speedy delivery of all your letters to Santa. Just start it off with a Dear Santa and leave the rest to me.
I have conducted some research and pooled my resources with good old Saint Nick, this is the fastest way of getting your letters to Santa Claus. No mail strike will stop this delivery. So with a Ho Ho Ho, with Sleigh Bells Ringing, I'll be home for Christmas. And don't tell anyone if you saw mommy kissing Santa Claus. Whether this is your first noel, or if you are taking a sleigh ride with jingle bells, this Christmas make sure you spend the Twelve Days of Christmas in Toyland.
I have conducted some research and pooled my resources with good old Saint Nick, this is the fastest way of getting your letters to Santa Claus. No mail strike will stop this delivery. So with a Ho Ho Ho, with Sleigh Bells Ringing, I'll be home for Christmas. And don't tell anyone if you saw mommy kissing Santa Claus. Whether this is your first noel, or if you are taking a sleigh ride with jingle bells, this Christmas make sure you spend the Twelve Days of Christmas in Toyland.
Tell your kids, or send a letter yourself. You know Santa Claus is coming to town, he's making a list and (from what I hear) checking it twice, fill out the comment form below, and you should get something nice.
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From left to right, Frosty, Santa |
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I’ – What Did You Think?
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the happy kids from the early days are gone and are now replaced with grim-faced young adults. And so too have the familiar surroundings of Hogwarts been replaced along with Harry Potter's (Daniel Radcliffe) mentor and protector Dumbledore. Following Dumbledore's death Valdemort gains control of the Ministry of Magic. Harry, with the aid of Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), attempts to locate and destroy the Horcruxes before Valdemort restores his full power.
The problem as always with the Harry Potter films is the immense amount of source material to convert from page to screen. A solution was to split the film in two, dollar signs were one of the driving forces. Still David Yates does a good job at the helm of the film capturing the excitement of the story. The movie remains accurate to the storyline and leaves out relatively little in the translation to the big screen. With a run time of over two hours the film is packed.
A darker film than the previous, with a more maturely themed story, the film at times has a slower pace. For fans of the series, it is likely just what you have been waiting for. If you have not seen the films or are not a fan, this is not the place to start. And because of the 146 minute run time, do not buy the extra large drink. I missed about 2 minutes.
The problem as always with the Harry Potter films is the immense amount of source material to convert from page to screen. A solution was to split the film in two, dollar signs were one of the driving forces. Still David Yates does a good job at the helm of the film capturing the excitement of the story. The movie remains accurate to the storyline and leaves out relatively little in the translation to the big screen. With a run time of over two hours the film is packed.
A darker film than the previous, with a more maturely themed story, the film at times has a slower pace. For fans of the series, it is likely just what you have been waiting for. If you have not seen the films or are not a fan, this is not the place to start. And because of the 146 minute run time, do not buy the extra large drink. I missed about 2 minutes.
A New Search Engine - Poodwaddle
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Here's a cool new little search engine. Enter your search and press enter. Poodwaddle is an embeddable applet that employs Google, and Weather.com public API features to search for pictures, sites, videos blogs and more. An alternate search engine to the usual stuff out there.
Princess Bride - Lightsaber Battle
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Carey Elwes, Robin Wright |
Inigo Montoya: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Count Rugen: Stop saying that!
Fezzik, Inigo Montoya, Vizzini |
The Walking Dead
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, you already know that the televised episodes started airing on AMC on October 31st. This first season is to run six episodes, it took AMC only two eps to announce it has renewed the show for a second season. Look for a thirteen show arc in year two of TWD.
There is plenty of violence and gore in this show. What's different about this series and the books from which it originates, is that the surviving humans aren't spending all their time hacking up zombies. The last forty or so years of zombie movies was all chase, run, hack, shoot. Yes, in TWD there is plenty of fighting off the undead but consider it a drama where the humans must also fight off the monsters that they themselves are becoming as society regresses.
The show is going strong pulling in 5.1 million viewers in its third week, up from 4.7 million the week prior. Another 5.3 viewed its Halloween night premiere.
Here's a short clip from the show
Just kidding that's Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard in the 1940 movie The Ghost Breakers.
If you haven't seen it yet, here's the trailer for the The Walking Dead. Consider this a warning, while the teaser below is cleaner than the actual show, don't click play if you are bothered by gore.
There is plenty of violence and gore in this show. What's different about this series and the books from which it originates, is that the surviving humans aren't spending all their time hacking up zombies. The last forty or so years of zombie movies was all chase, run, hack, shoot. Yes, in TWD there is plenty of fighting off the undead but consider it a drama where the humans must also fight off the monsters that they themselves are becoming as society regresses.
The show is going strong pulling in 5.1 million viewers in its third week, up from 4.7 million the week prior. Another 5.3 viewed its Halloween night premiere.
Here's a short clip from the show
Just kidding that's Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard in the 1940 movie The Ghost Breakers.
If you haven't seen it yet, here's the trailer for the The Walking Dead. Consider this a warning, while the teaser below is cleaner than the actual show, don't click play if you are bothered by gore.
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The Walking Dead |
Land of Painted Caves
Posted by
Shawn Ohara

In a interview with the Associate Press the 74 year old author said, "To be honest, I don't feel like I'm through. I still have some material and I'm going to keep on writing. It's what I do."
At her current pace, Auel would be in her eighties when a seventh novel would be released.
The Land of Painted Caves: A Novel (Earth's Children)
Muppet Movie !!!!!
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Disney should strike gold, twice, what with the December release of Tron: Legacy and this Muppet movie sequel. The Muppets is scheduled for an Xmas day release and boasts an amazing who's who of who's hot in Hollywood. But best of all? The screenplay was written by Forgetting Sarah Marshall and How I Met Your Mother's Jason Segal.
The Muppet franchise has not been the same since Jim Henson's 1990 passing and it has been commonly felt that his spirit fled the scene when Kermit, Fozzie and Animal were bought up by Disney.
In addition to Segal, James Bobin, lately of The Flight of the Conchords and Da Ali G Show, is set to direct. The all star cast is rumored to include, Zach Galifianakis, Amy Adams, Rashida Jones, Chris Cooper, and the brilliant Charles Grodin. Oh, and Kermit, Fozzie, Piggy, Beaker, Waldorf, Statler, Gonzo, Animal and Sam Eagle. From what I've read, the plot involves getting the band back together to save the theater. As long as they don't wear shades and aren't on a mission from God, I'll take it.
Over at the Disney site, take the Which Muppet Character Are You test. Click the picture to find out your true inner character. Apparently, I'm most like Fozzie Bear.
The Muppet franchise has not been the same since Jim Henson's 1990 passing and it has been commonly felt that his spirit fled the scene when Kermit, Fozzie and Animal were bought up by Disney.
In addition to Segal, James Bobin, lately of The Flight of the Conchords and Da Ali G Show, is set to direct. The all star cast is rumored to include, Zach Galifianakis, Amy Adams, Rashida Jones, Chris Cooper, and the brilliant Charles Grodin. Oh, and Kermit, Fozzie, Piggy, Beaker, Waldorf, Statler, Gonzo, Animal and Sam Eagle. From what I've read, the plot involves getting the band back together to save the theater. As long as they don't wear shades and aren't on a mission from God, I'll take it.
Over at the Disney site, take the Which Muppet Character Are You test. Click the picture to find out your true inner character. Apparently, I'm most like Fozzie Bear.
Tron : Legacy The Movie
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
Tron |
The new movie, Tron: Legacy will be in theaters December 17th, 2010. I've been waiting for the sequel to orginal Tron movie for what seems like forever. When Tron was released in 1982 it was a groundbreaking film. Can the sequel live up to the legacy? Here's a trailer for the film and a teaser to the upcoming Daft Punk album and the song Derezzed.
Jersey Shore North ? Please, No !
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
I hate reality TV so why do I watch it? Maybe it is similar to the rubber necking we do around a car crash, or watching the NASCAR circular waiting for a smashup. We want to see disaster. Or we want to see artistic disaster such as Dancing with the Stars, or Battle of the Blades. I can see a reason for the interest in the above mentioned shows, but Jersey Shore? Someone explain it please.
Word out of Toronto is that a cheap Canadian knock-off entitled Lake Shore is on the way. And the reaction has been mostly negative, including the Canadian Jewish Congress speaking out about the racial categorizing and anti-semitic tones. Let's hope the rumors of a major Canadian network picking up this show, is just the rumors spread by the producers to drum up interest.
Read more here.
Flying is not dangerous; crashing is dangerous.
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
I had to fly out to the west coast for work last month. It was a short trip, I stayed two days. The flight was about five hours in each direction. It felt as if I was on the plane longer than actually at my destination.
It is the oddest thing, flying westerly through the time zones. What compounded the confusion was two nights in a row of not sleeping well and being tired from a very long day, and seeing daylight when, as far as my internal clock knew, it should be dark out.
I managed to keep myself busy on the plane by watching a few TV shows and a movie. I took off my shoes to relax, hoping the smell of fourteen hours in the same shoes would not be noticeable to everyone in the cabin, especially the lady sitting next to me.
I tried to make small talk with her. Twice. She giggled both times and mumbled something. That was before I took off my shoes, by the way.
My first morning in B.C. was a little confusing, due to the time change. I slept in until 6AM local time, but it was really 9AM back home. I usually wake up at 6AM, which is 3AM on the left coast. It was Thursday, but back home it was jeudi. Too confusing.
After working for a three or four hours and taking a late long lunch with my colleagues, I ended up back at the hotel at 6PM, or was it 9PM? Then I had to figure out what time I had to get up to catch the plane. 5AM or 8AM?
The room was okay. The motel was recommended so I asked the Office Assistant to book a room for me there. She arranged for the deluxe accommodations. Keep this in mind next time you need to book a room. A deluxe room in a motel, does not change the fact that you are staying at a motel. The room came with a king size bed. And a hair dryer. I do not need a hair dryer.
I still haven't pieced together how, or why, the sink smelled like pee.
I suppose the most memorable part of the trip was at the airport leaving Montreal. Not having to deal with international security and only airport security made the check in a breeze. Still, there are some security checks, but the rules are pretty simple. No liquids. Not everyone could grasp this.
After passing through the metal detectors, a twenty-something year old guy in front of me was pulled aside by security who proceeded to go through his carry on luggage. It seems his carry on luggage was over the limit. It looked to be over the limit for a family of four.
From what I could gather in those brief moments, his suitcase had been too heavy, and he was already charged $100 for the over limit. So, he crammed the rest of the stuff into his carry on.
The guard asked, "Do you have any liquids?"
He replied, "No."
The guard went on to empty the bag, item by item. After she pulled out each bottle she would show it to the guy, look him in the eye with raised eyebrows and say in that voice usually reserved for that idiot child, "This is liquid."
Then she would chuck the bottle in the garbage.
"This is liquid." Toss.
"This is liquid." Toss.

Out went the shampoo. Out went the Axe body spray. Out went the cologne. The guy looked like a douche so it was probably an expensive, smelly flavor of the month cologne, something like Bad Romance for Men.
I didn't stick around long enough to see what happened.
Coffee is still relatively inexpensive at the airport. Funny enough, a small bottle of water costs more than a large cup of coffee.
Oh, and if anyone from the Montreal Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport is reading this, there is no soap in the men's room.
Why Colleagues are Colleagues and Friends are Friends
Posted by
Shawn Ohara

Colleague / Friend: "Shawn, Let's grab a beer after work."
Shawn: "Okay."
Two hours later...
Colleague / Friend: "Shawn, I'm going next door for a beer or two. See you there?"
Shawn: "Sure. You'll be there for a couple hours?"
Colleague / Friend: "Definitely."
Shawn: "See you there."
Fifteen minutes later, Shawn meets colleague at bar and orders a pint.
Four minutes later...
Colleague / Former Friend: "Well, I've got to go, see you Monday."
Shawn: " ! "
Road of the Dead - A Zombie Killing Game
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
The undead have taken over the city, and you must escape. No, no, sit down. It's a game. In Road of the Dead, you the driver must run over the zombies, and crush the soldiers that are trying to prevent your escape. Fulfil that double fantasy of yours of driving on the open road and destroying the walking dead. Who doesn't like a road trip? I call shotgun!
You must protect your vehicle and yourself. Avoid the vehicles blocking the road while sparing the lives of the civilians. Your progress gets saved at various checkpoints. You keep driving for as long as your car is intact and you aren't shot up by the soldiers or helicopter.
The customizable controls are not the easiest and in their default setting will cause carpel tunnel syndrome. Just go the options menu and change the settings, so that your steering is on one side of the keyboard and your honking and shooting, and punching is on the other side.
![]() |
Look at the hideous zombie. Oh wait. That's Steve Buscemi. |
Stooopid Internet Service Provider
Posted by
Shawn Ohara
I have been trying to post for the last three days but my stupid internet service provider has been all screwy and pages will not load properly. I did my own troubleshooting and determined there was nothing wrong with my computer, modem or router. Only then did I call my ISP for help. I basically told them to get their fucking act together.
The tech guru on the other end starts by asking me to verify if the wires are firmly plugged in. I ask him if he is serious. He then asks me to reboot my computer. I told him no. He then asks me to reset my modem, I told him I already did that and does he think I would be calling if that was the problem. He then wants me to bypass the router and plug my PC direct to the modem. I humour him. He resets the modem at his end. He checks other users in my building. He cannot determine the problem.
Then my idiot ISP "technician" on the other end of the phone said he will have to send someone as it is not my computer and it is not at their end.. He will send the technician over in four days. Four freaking days?! I told him forget it. Send him now.
That didn't work.
But, he insisted, it isn't a problem at their end. What else could I do? I tried to tell him how important it was that I access the internet but I just could not make porn sound important enough.
But then I remembered, I was supposed to do some work from home. So I told him it was urgent because I have to do some work from home.
He was more interested in my porn story.
I currently have a cable internet connection. Most of the time it is fast. But at least once every two months the line goes down. I find this unacceptable. The problem is my condo association signed an exclusivity contract with the provider. The company also offers DSL. Or I can say screw you and go wireless.
This is not normal... |
So, in the end I gave up. I went out for the afternoon. Upon my return, lo and behold, my internet is running faster than Randy Quaid fleeing the United States (topical humour). So, of course, the problem wasn't at their end (sarcasm). The house-elf Dobby (topical reference) magically fixed the connection and it had nothing to do with the ISP.
The Usual... |
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