
Shakesperean English

While researching today's topic, Shakespearean English, I fell on this Twitter handle @ShakespeareSong. And the tagline, "Songs/movie quotes/phrases in archaic language. Can you guess them?"

With 385,000 followers, I was not the first to discover @ShakespeareSong. Contemporary pop songs and phrases are translated into Elizabethan-era Early Modern English. Need I sayeth moreth? Here is a sample of a recent tweet.

I started out by looking for a Google or babelfish type translator. But none really exist. I was about to download a translator on my Android but my phone conked out and I got into a fight with my mobile service provider. I will leave that for another post. I filed a complaint and now have to wait for the end results.

But I got off topic. Recognize this song?

Shakespeare Lyrics has some 900 or so tweets with some hilarious takes on modern songs and phrases converted into old English.

Here is my favourite. Can you guess the song?

Apparently this is part of a Writing Challenge. To see more, and to read some of the great writers who are participating, go to . Today's theme is Shakesperean English.


  1. Hmmmm...quite strange, as I did a Shakespearean Movie Quote blog. I swear I didn't read this first.

  2. Replies
    1. I found Macbeth translated to Klingon but it wasn't written phonetically so I didn't go with that.

  3. Hmm. Ice, ice baby, by Vanilla Ice. And of course Whitney Houston's "I will always love you." But the other one -- I keep coming down to Dirty White Boy, but that doesn't fit.

    1. ...And all the girls say, I'm pretty fly for a white guy...

  4. This was the hardest topic so far for me.... I even found a Shakespeare translator... I had to really research this one!

    1. I looked for a google type translator. Couldn't find a good one.

  5. Since I hath nothing for this fair prompt, I shall leaveth it to thine own devices.

