
Seinfeld in Oz

One of the best spoofs to ever come out of Saturday Night Live. This picks up after the Seinfeld series finale, after Jerry and company get arrested. And I think you will find this funny, even if you haven't seen the show Oz. Just to bring you up to speed, Oz was the first one hour dramatic television series produced by HBO. The excellent series, often violent and brutal, featured a no holds barred look at the Oswald Maximum Security Correctional Facility.

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Seinfeld in Oz

Jerry and Elaine

George Costanza


  1. Now if only they'd really ended the show that way! I still remember the first time Andy watched Oz. I think you were there too, or may it was Mike? In any case, there was a very graphic rape scene. To say he squirmed would be an understatement! :-)

    1. Nicky, you mean the scene where Adebisi rapes the guy in the kitchen? Yup. Can't seem to forget that one.
      I think the four of us watched it together.

  2. There was a vanity fair cover a number of years back where jerry was dressed as the tin man, kramer the scarecrow, George the Lion and Elaine was Dorothy. Different Oz.

    1. Peter, I think my favourite is their biker gear get up on the cover of Rolling Stone.

  3. There's also an image out there somewhere of the Seinfeld gang in the classic Beatles album cover shot, just heads floating in blackness. Very neat.

    And this "Andy" person whom Nicky speaks of sounds easily shocked. Then again, the characters of Adabese, Schillinger et al were quite terrifying. Nightmare inducingly so, one might say. What a great show that was. As was Homicide: Life on the Streets. They don't make 'em like they used to. At least not on basic cable.

    1. Trying to remember the shows we would all gather together to watch, Oz, X-Files. And Millennium!

  4. I actually watched Oz from the beginning back when I had cable. I kept meaning to get dvds and get caught up with it but at this point I'd have no clue where i left off.

    1. TattyT, It was a great show and well worth watching. Worth watching over right from the beginning.
      Let me tell you how it all ended, people died, people had butt sex. No happy endings. Unless you consider butt sex a happy ending.

  5. this is sofa king funny, I can't veen type a comment.

    1. meleah, forget about the Seinfeld series, I want to see a sequel to this video

  6. Think Oz might be kinda gritty for my taste, but I still miss Seinfeld . . . or the next day's discussions about Seinfeld. Thanks for the heads up, Shawn.

    1. mcmerb, Oz is a great show, but gritty is right.

      Friday night dinner at my house always included a recap of the Seinfeld episode of the night before.

