

My wife and I have nine nieces and nephews. And counting, I suppose. Four of them belong to my brother. Interestingly, among my friends the average hovers between 2 and 3 kids per household.
One of my cousins has five kids. A small army.

My wife and I have talked and agreed and we will be happy with one happy and healthy child. She wants a little girl. I want twins.

Either way, at least one happy and healthy child.

While many of my family and friends have multiple children I just want one happy, healthy, very large child. A giant child, so that no matter how many kids any other family and friends might have, my giant child will be able to beat them up.

One giant child


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jayne. :) But I was serious about the twins.

  2. I was going to offer to babysit but...

  3. I don't want my cats crushed

